
I hope to motivate  and guide you as you are inspired through a mosaic of “literacy, history, and creativity” activities.  Using literacy and the arts to enable folks to pursue dreams and to spark hope in the darkness motivates me.  I love encouraging others to tap into their God-given creativity to tell their stories.  We all have stories we are meant to tell. Journaling and giving tours are ways we can tell these stories.

For as long as I can remember, I have written poetry and short stories and have been an avid reader. I was blessed to have wonderful parents and teachers who helped instill in me a love for literacy. Because of this love of the language, I chose to teach writing and reading during most of my time in the classroom. As an administrator, I loved guiding and encouraging educators as they implemented more writing across the curriculum.  I get enjoyment from watching people learn as they build their confidence.

We must be taught to write if we are to become successful as writers, and that is where I fit into the equation. Much of the blog until now has been helpful tips and suggestions, along with the research that supports writing. Writing is hard work, but it is so rewarding when one sees the benefits of the labors.

The blog will now take a slight turn as we step into another venture, Studio WISE.  Information will now be catered toward anyone with the love of anything history, reading, writing, creating, and speaking…. The blog is located in the HOME section of this website.

This site will be a true mosaic of everything literacy, history, and creativity.  Join us as we turn the page to a new chapter …