“Journaling through Grief” Event

We are so excited to be co-sponsoring our first Journaling through Grief event on November 12.  Grief wears many faces, so providing a monthly opportunity for folks to fellowship over a light dinner and speaker warms my heart.  We all have experienced grief in some form…death, divorce, loss of a friendship, moving away from family, sickness, life as it once was…so everyone is invited to participate.  We will also discuss ways to cope daily, including journaling. More information is included on the Morgan County Chamber of Commerce (GA) website.

Journaling and Java

Writing is such a therapeutic activity, one that is often taken for granted.  Research is available that supports writing. especially journaling, even going as far as to explain how it can strengthen our immune system, help us sleep, manage depression, and facilitate our thinking through problems.  It’s also a way to grant immortality by leaving behind our stories.  We all have stories in our hearts that need to be shared.  Journaling with a favorite pen and cup of coffee nearby can be a very beneficial activity for all of us.

We begin with asking what we want to write about in this journal.  Will we be reviewing or reflecting?  Be still. Calm down. Focus.

Investigate in your head your thoughts and feelings about whatever you choose.  Set a time limit and just start writing.  Read over what you’ve written with introspection. Sum it up.

Like most new skills, journaling takes practice, but it can be so helpful to those going through the grieving process. It is well worth the efforts.