No Comparison

Walking in our own gifts and talents is important. Comparing ourselves to others is harmful. We are uniquely created by God with our individual gifts that we are to share with the world.

It is really easy to look around and find someone that appears to be dripping with talents that we find much more appealing or even someone with the same talent we might have but at a different level. Stop it. Stop comparing yourself to others.

If God has blessed you with a musical talent, embrace it. You will always be able to find someone out there who is a better musician, but God has called you, at your level of ability, to share what you have. Study, practice, get better, but don’t compare. Of course, this is only one example, but it can be applied to any area of your life.

Natural talents aren’t just art, music, and the like. Natural talents can include adaptability, teamwork, public speaking,, and other soft skills. Maybe you are a fabulous cook or can organize and decorate. Talents typically come naturally to us, so identifying them early is beneficial. Parents and teachers need to be observant early and guide the children toward areas where the students excel. I’m not so sure we do a very effective job of that though.

Grouping us all together doesn’t work. We are different. Forcing a square into a circle doesn’t work. It frustrates. Accepting we are born with different abilities and talents is crucial. It’s not always easy to let your free spirit child develop among the other rigid family members, but watching children and adults develop and excel using the talents they have is so rewarding.

What would the world look like if we all stayed in our lane and used what we have to make the world a better, more loving, peaceful place? Let’s begin to use what we do well…and, yes, you have something you do well…to change the world. No more comparisons.

Thank you, Military…

We watched a documentary today about the 82nd Airborne , and let’s just say, I am in awe. Oh, my word! What bravery these soldiers displayed! As they were preparing to jump rapidly out of the flying metal bird, I watched the faces and looked for signs of terror, any signs. I didn’t see any. Perhaps if I had been there, I would have heard the rapid beating of their brave hearts, but maybe not. It takes a special man or woman to be a soldier, and I am so appreciative that people have served and continue to serve to keep the United States of America safe.

I believe there are some folks that don’t consider the families and friends that are left behind when a soldier, whether drafted or a volunteer, leaves a comfortable, safe homeland to travel into the unknown. I say “unknown” because I believe no amount of Bootcamp can prepare for what awaits them at the end of their parachute or gun barrel.

Daddy, with a young wife and a precious baby on the way, volunteered at age 21. After Bootcamp and seeing his new son for a brief time, he flew to Germany where he spent seventeen months fulfilling his duty during the Korean War. My husband was drafted at age 21 and worried everyday for a year that he might lose his life in the thick jungles of Vietnam. Both made it home, but they were changed men and live with experiences they probably will never share.

It seems to me that the soldiers, at least those who are there for the right reason, have a brother or sisterhood that those of us on the outside cannot understand…and don’t want to understand on that level. To defend our country (and no matter what I hear from others, it remains a beautiful place), takes a special kind of individual with a bravery unlike any the average person has. I am sorry that it took watching this documentary to be reminded that I need not be afraid or ashamed to speak out about my love for the military and for what they have given to keep us safe and free.

Flying our United States flag, celebrating Veterans Day and Memorial Day, singing our National Anthem, and seeking out a soldier to thank are small gestures compared to what it takes to serve and perhaps give one’s life for these United States of America.

Stress is a Pest

In today’s world, stress is almost imminent. The fast-paced lives we live often come with unexpected issues that cloud our minds and hearts with anxiety and unclear thoughts. Though we may never be completely stress-free, helpful strategies are available for managing this culprit.

Aromatherapy (essential oils) has been effective for years and can affect our emotions, our heart rate , and blood pressure. Breathing in the oils is relaxing and can calm us when we become anxious. Experts are available to train you in the proper techniques.

Journaling also is relaxing to many. Research supports this strategy and suggests that clarifying our feelings can counteract many of the negative effects of stress and anxiety. Just writing down thoughts and problem-solving along the way is very beneficial. A gratitude journal is especially helpful.

The Bible contains numerous scriptures related to anxiety and stress. Psalm 119: 143 says, ” Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands give me delight.” Matthew 6:34 says, ” Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself…” Reading the Word of God is a way to bring peace to the soul.

As well as using essential oils, journaling, and studying scriptures, other helpful strategies to counter stress are spending time with a friend, starting an exercise routine, changing your diet, and listening to music.

Some stress is expected and may even propel us toward action, but too much is harmful and needs to be controlled . Give some of the suggested strategies a chance and see what happens. Stress is a pest, but you can still be blessed.

Write it down…

Are you a notetaker or a list maker? Do you keep a calendar or a bullet journal to help you survive the chaos that ensues without a plan? I don’t know about you, but I need to write it down and check it off to get that feeling of accomplishment. A new year is a fantastic time to write down goals and even a vision as guidance for the upcoming months.

Since the beginning of 2022, I have heard no less than three virtual pastors sharing the same idea and even quoting scriptures to support the concept of writing it down. Habakkuk 2:2 says to ” write down the vision and to make it plain…” Revelation 1:19 reminds us to “write the things we have seen…” Jeremiah 30: 2-3 references “writing in a book” what the Lord has said. I’m not sure if I really am hearing more talk about this or just more aware than I have been.

All my life I have been a list maker and a keeper of a calendar. Though I have a good memory, I found with children’s activities, doctor’s appointments, and a job that required numerous meetings, I had to be prepared. Now in a different stage of life, there are more medical appointments for family members and my elderly parents to remember. I find myself writing more about my goals and vision for the years rather than day-to-day. I do keep a bullet journal as an organizing tool and to give me that sense of accomplishment that I referenced earlier.

We live in trying times, so I like to make daily, weekly, or monthly plans that include choices that make the world a better place. I like to purposefully, intentionally, write it down so that it gets finished. I can know that I have not squandered the precious time I have been given.

Sharing our Gifts

I was reminded this morning as I read about the need to uplift our children and grandchildren that we all have gifts, abilities, and talents that should be identified and used to make the world a better place. As I look around at the world, at least on the surface and what media presents, it is easy to get discouraged and think all hope is gone. Not so. If you are reading this, you are on this Earth for such a time as this to make a difference. It is not by chance that you were born at this time.

James 1:17 says we all may have different talents and God-given gifts, but all are important and can be used for good. I know sometimes we fail to use our talents because we fear failure or criticism; however, if God be for us, who can be against us.

Maybe you question what your talents and gifts are and wonder if you have anything even to share. You do. Assessments are available to help you identify your gifts. Also, friends and families many times recognize talents in us before we do. Ask them. Think about what makes you happy and things you enjoyed as a child. Think about what you love to do. What are your interests? All of this can help you identify what you are meant to share. Once you sort out your talents, abilities, and gifts, do all you can to practice and improve to be the best. ( Remember we all have weaknesses, too. Not everyone is good at everything.)

Our days are ordained. When we take our last breath, what will be said about what good we did with what we had been given? Will we have hidden our light under a bush or will we have let the light shine? It is not too late to start today.

Paper, Pencils, and the Storage Room

Anyone who knows me well knows that I love reading about writing, writing about reading, talking about writing, buying supplies for writing, and the smell of the paper supply storage room. I love journals of all kinds, funky written utensils, and word processing. I love book clubs and putting my thoughts on paper. Listening to students and adults reading their writing aloud makes me happy. Poetry is definitely my friend. It doesn’t matter whether it’s narrative poetry, Haiku, sonnets, ballads, acrostics, or couplets…

Phillis Wheatley, Shakespeare, Dickens, Sara Teasdale, Keats, Wordsworth, Maya Angelou, or Robert Frost, it doesn’t matter. Their poetry brings music to my ears, rest to my mind , and a smile to my face. Their words aren’t just words. They are drops of descriptive paint that are spread across a paper canvas just waiting for someone who loves paper, pencils, the written word, and ,yes, maybe even someone who loves the smell of the paper supply storage room.

Goals for the New Year

One of my goals this year is to organize all areas of my life, so I have started with my social media. For a person who fought any type of social media until 2009 (except what was necessary for work), I sure became overwhelmed fast. Gmail, website, Facebook, two business Facebook pages…and the guilt when I can’t keep them up-to-date! Well, as of today, I have combined my Studio WISE Facebook page with my webpage, and it feels so good! I also have unpublished the other business page which takes a burden off my shoulders. I look forward to having you look around and joining me for exciting events and opportunities. I will try to post a heads-up to my Facebook page of any new events. While you’re here, check out the other sections of this site. Have a fabulous day.