Books that Might Help

Periodically, I will be sharing books that I have read that might be of encouragement to you. Some of these will deal with writing instruction and others may be about best practices for all teachers.  It is very rewarding to me to lead or participate in book studies about current educational issues and research, so I think it will be beneficial for me to introduce these books to you all.

1. Teach Like your Hair’s On Fire: The Methods and Madness Inside Room 56 by Rafe Esquith

Rafe is a trail-blazing, fast-talking, fifth grade teacher who works at a Los Angeles public school. Ninety-two percent of the students in the school live below the poverty level.  Regardless, his students tackle  Algebra, philosophy, and Shakespeare.  He says this book is like a cookbook for teaching in an urban classroom.  The main two rules he operates by are “Work Hard” and “Be Nice.”   The title of the book comes from an incident while he was helping a student in class with a chemistry experiment.


2. Writing Strategies for All Primary Students:K-3

This is a model for incorporating writing-strategy instruction.  If you have ever wondered how to incorporate mini-lessons into any writing program, this is the book for you.

3. Day One and Beyond by Rick Wormeli: geared to middle and high school teachers

This book has practical ways of setting up your grade book, classroom management, what to do if you have only one computer, how to give homework, how to understand this age student and many other relevant topics.  Wormeli  is known worldwide in the educational community and was one of the first Nationally Board Certified teachers in America.  He is a master of differentiation.


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