Turn Down the Noise

Man, do we live in a noisy world!    Horns are honking.  Music is blaring. Tires are screeching. Machines are roaring. Everywhere we wander, there is noise.  Soft noise. Loud noise.

Noise typically is “unwanted sound judged to be unpleasant.”  It is also defined  as “any sound that is undesired or interferes with one’s hearing of something.”  I often think about how little quiet time with no noise that most of us really have.  Quiet time for me has to be planned in a strategic manner, or it just does not happen.  Lately, I have begun to think about all the noise we are bombarded with from social media and the news.

That kind of noise is ” irrelevant or meaningless data or output occurring along with desired information.”  It seems that what once was news is now noise.  Most people I talk with are operating on  “information” overload.  For me, I think it’s more “noise” overload than ” information.”  Sometimes there seems to be no way out of it.  We stick headphones in our ears attempting to shut out the noise with more noise.  We get busier.  We shop. We eat.

I say it’s time to turn down the noise.  We do not have to be consumed by social media or news stations.  We CAN take back our lives, our time!  Pick up a book.  Write in a journal.  Pray. Meditate . Visit a friend. Write a letter. Hug your children. Paint a picture. Feed some animals. Clean a house.  Tutor a child. Visit a nursing home. Call your parents. Listen to good music.  Talk to your spouse. You get the picture.

Turn down the noise and turn up the love.

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