Great Strategies to Help with the Writing Process: Acronyms

We talk so much about the importance of the writing process, but we don’t always teach the students how to actually follow the process.  When we say, “Let’s revise your paper,” they have no idea where to start, so they generally read over their papers and just recopy what’s there as their final copies.  If we are to do something successfully, we must be taught how.  This post provides many strategies to help you.

To open and close any lesson, the KWL chart is a graphic organizer that helps. Divide a paper into three columns : K now, W ant to know, and L what was learned.  This chart starts students thinking.

STOP is used with persuasive writing.  S uspend judgment,  T ake a side, O rganize ideas, P lan more as you write.

AIM is used with persuasive or narrative writing.  A udience, I ntent, M essage.

DARE for prewriting is used with informational and persuasive writing.  D evelop a position statement, A dd supporting ideas, R eport and refute counter-arguments, and E nd with a strong conclusion.

DARE for revision is used with persuasive and argumentative writing. D elete unnecessary information, A dd more important detail and transition work, R earrange text to be logical and effective, E xchange words for clearer and stronger ones.

VENN Diagram: any genre

PLOT Diagram for narrative writing: This is an organizational tool focusing on a pyramid shape which maps events of a story. It helps students visualize key features of a story.  It includes exposition, inciting action, rising action, climax (turning point), falling action, and resolution.

Outline: any genre

3-2-1:  Read the paper and tell your partner 3 things you like, 2 things to improve, and 1 question you have about the paper.

CUPS is used in the editing/proofing process (the way the paper looks).   C apitalization, U sage, P unctuation, S pelling

ARMS is used in the revision (way paper sounds) process. A dd sentences and words. R emove unnecessary information, M ove words or sentences around for a better understanding, S ubstitute other words.

MESS is used with revision.  M ovability, E xpansion, S lotting, S entence-combining

I recommend that you not try to teach all of these to the students.  Pick a couple that work for you and really teach students how to use them.  It takes time.  Be patient, but get started.  We owe it to our children.


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