Write it down…

Are you a notetaker or a list maker? Do you keep a calendar or a bullet journal to help you survive the chaos that ensues without a plan? I don’t know about you, but I need to write it down and check it off to get that feeling of accomplishment. A new year is a fantastic time to write down goals and even a vision as guidance for the upcoming months.

Since the beginning of 2022, I have heard no less than three virtual pastors sharing the same idea and even quoting scriptures to support the concept of writing it down. Habakkuk 2:2 says to ” write down the vision and to make it plain…” Revelation 1:19 reminds us to “write the things we have seen…” Jeremiah 30: 2-3 references “writing in a book” what the Lord has said. I’m not sure if I really am hearing more talk about this or just more aware than I have been.

All my life I have been a list maker and a keeper of a calendar. Though I have a good memory, I found with children’s activities, doctor’s appointments, and a job that required numerous meetings, I had to be prepared. Now in a different stage of life, there are more medical appointments for family members and my elderly parents to remember. I find myself writing more about my goals and vision for the years rather than day-to-day. I do keep a bullet journal as an organizing tool and to give me that sense of accomplishment that I referenced earlier.

We live in trying times, so I like to make daily, weekly, or monthly plans that include choices that make the world a better place. I like to purposefully, intentionally, write it down so that it gets finished. I can know that I have not squandered the precious time I have been given.

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