Teaching composition is hard work. Now that we have established that fact, we can begin to make a difference by seeking out strategies to get it done in an exciting and wonderful way. Each of us as educators has got to take ownership and do something. The Eagles have a song, “Do Something” that I have chosen recently as my writing anthem. It has absolutely nothing to do with writing or teaching but everything to do with attitude and starting somewhere. With current research suggesting-perhaps even shouting-that students can no longer write effectively, we have no choice except to seize the moment and begin somewhere to help our students get back on the “write” track.
If you are reading this, you more than likely want to help make this happen. With that in mind, WISE Writing will begin to offer some tips to help us all get started wherever we are-parent, teacher, administrator-and with time and effort, we will see improvement in the quality of student writing. Let’s agree to love and work with ALL our students when they arrive at our doors. Let’s look for and EXPECT improvement.