Teacher is the Key.

(In a nutshell)

Research shows that the quality of teachers is the major school-related factor shaping student achievement. Educators are the critical stakeholders. The purpose of this short post is not to relay all the research but to encourage thought for change.

Expert teachers display certain qualities like high quality teaching, high expectations for ALL students, and direct instruction. They provide feedback, remediate students, and challenge students regularly. Expert teachers provide an optimal climate for learning in their classrooms. We need to identify experienced teachers and provide the help needed to move them into expert teachers.

That being said, a novice teacher shouldn’t equate to a poor teacher. Inexperienced teachers need to be identified, respected, and grown. If we identify weak and inexperienced teachers and work with them, we will be benefitting our students. To improve the students’ achievement in the United States, we must improve the quality of teachers.

I think a gap exists between teacher programs in higher education and the actual jobs that teachers must do. More training and mentoring is needed to account for this. More partnerships between school systems and Colleges of Education are encouraged. Also, over the last few years, changes have been made to the road to certification, so hopefully, fewer incompetent teachers will enter the profession. More time can then be focused on the experienced ones who just need that extra push to become an expert.

A recommendation I can make to anyone reading this and wanting to make a change in the quality of teachers in a school is to begin discussions about the importance of a quality teacher in a student’s life. Lay out the research, provide appropriate and useful professional learning, and monitor. Expect to see growth and reward it. In today’s world climate, teachers need all the help and hope they can get. (Don’t be afraid , after doing all you can to remediate teachers, to assist some in taking a different path…)

A couple of good articles:

“Good Teachers are the key to Student Success.” (2020)

“Teachers Make a Difference. What is the Research Evidence?” by John Hattie (2003)

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